Strange is the time of year when a neighbor is not carrying out works at home. Depending on the size of the same, it will be necessary to request authorization or not from the community, although it will always be advisable to communicate them. The property manager is in charge of acting as an intermediary.If coexistence under normal conditions in a community of owners is difficult, imagine when there are works in the building. There is always a neighbor who is dissatisfied with dirt, dust, possible breakages of furniture in common areas or the use of the elevator to transport goods.
The work of the property manager will be, with the Horizontal Property Law In the hand, inform the owner who decides to carry out reforms in your home on the existing regulatory requirements. Although the municipal ordinance for the licensing of each locality is responsible for establishing what actions require prior permission, communication with neighbors follows a standard rule.
The Horizontal Property Law of 1960 states that it is obligatory to inform the president of the community and the property administrator about the execution of a work inside the house, so that the owners' community can make sure that they will not be altered the common elements of the building, such as the load-bearing walls, the facade or the beams.
If the works are considered of lower rank, then, and however much the neighbors may complain, it will not be necessary to communicate them previously. However, if the housing reform has affected common elements, and the community of neighbors has not authorized any type of work, then it will have a claim period of 15 years to take legal action against the offending owner. The latter may be required to replace the common elements that existed or compensation for damages. Although the works were minor, and although almost nobody does it, it will be convenient to communicate them to our property manager to avoid problems afterwards.Each autonomous community or municipality reserves the stipulated schedule for the execution of works.
In general terms, there are basic noise levels allowed and regulated in environmental protection ordinances. Also, the schedule for work is usually between eight in the morning and nine in the evening, except Saturdays and holidays when the start time is usually delayed until nine thirty or ten in the morning.
Communicating the works to our property manager will allow us to know the current legal regulations , knowing aspects as if it is possible to continue with the works in the central hours of the afternoon.As such, there is no specific regulation that limits the use of the elevator for the transport of goods. However, and being designed for people and small appliances, the farm manager will recommend, to the neighbor who requires the elevator to upload construction materials, that he would be responsible for its maintenance. In this way, you must cover it and respond to any type of stain, scratch or irreparable blow.