Friday, November 16, 2018
How to identify that you must change the farm manager?
Managing a community of neighbors is a complex and arduous task that no one wants to take over. Fortunately there is the figure of the administrator of farms: a professional who for a price will take care of all that tedious and repetitive work. However, not all farm managers are eligible.How to know when to change?Throughout this article we propose a series of keys that you should keep in mind in order to know if the property manager that your neighborhood community has is good or bad. What can you expect from him? Is it time to end your work and find a new professional? As in everything, there are a series of parameters that it is convenient to analyze to find the answer to these questions.When to change farm manager1. It does not take care of everything: If the president or some owners have had to go to trials, to the town hall, to do paperwork and to "work" on behalf of the community; is that the property manager is not doing his job well. A good estate manager must take care of everything, because that is what he is being paid for.2. It's not fast: If the farm manager takes care of repairing the elevator, fixing the electrical problems or hiring a new lifeguard for the pool ... ... a month after that need has been identified, it is that we are not facing a good administrator of farms. The time has come to relieve him.3. It does not reduce the cost of the community: If the administrator always gets more expensive suppliers, if the spills and community fees do not stop rising year after year for no apparent reason is that our property manager is not good. A good administrator must be in charge of looking after the interests of the neighbors and these are, always, paying as little as possible for the best possible services.4. Does not get either funding or grants: There are many grants and municipal funding for various works. From the installation of an elevator to the realization of rehabilitation works on the facades. A good administrator must be aware of all these aids and know how to ask for them in a timely and appropriate manner so that the neighborhood community benefits. If this is not the case in your community, it is that you must change it.5. It is not transparent: If the accounts are not clear, the expenses seem shady and we do not know where the different amounts come from, it is probably that we are not before a good administrator of farms. Make sure that the management of the administrator is completely transparent with the neighborhood community or, otherwise, must be changed immediately.6. Do not inform the neighbors: If you do not inform the neighbors or the management bodies of the neighborhood community (President, Vice President, etc) of the major economic decisions then we are before an administrator who must be changed for exceeding their limits. functions.


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Francesc Moragas 17-19

Tel. 93 544 16 55

Service Point Rubi

Ps. de les Torres 47, Rubi

Tel. 93 544 16 55