Monday, June 26, 2017
Lifestyle News
25 tips to save energy, also in summer
 Saving in the light and helping to enjoy a more energetically healthy environment is possible, also in summer despite the logical increase in spending on air conditioning. And is that, every year the Spaniards spend more and more energy, what measures should we put into practice? Spain will save 24.7% of energy in 2020 according to government forecasts and thanks to the recent National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency 2017-2020. This is a three-year report required by Directive 2012/27 / EU in which we are accountable to the European Commission for the development of the country in this area. However, in the absence of the date and knowing the final results, the reality is different. Energy expenditure in Spanish households increased by 6% in the first quarter of 2017, rising to an average of 338.4 euros per household and where companies such as Iberdrola, Endesa, Gas Natural, EDP Energía and Viesgo reach more than 90% of total energy billing.However, from our own homes or at work we can change habits to save energy and reverse this trend. An important economic saving that, in addition, helps us to collaborate to enjoy cities more sustainable and less dependent on this, in fact, big business. How can we save energy in our daily habits? Take note with these 15 tips:
  1. Improve the insulation of your home by making a reform with a good insulation in walls and ceiling and replaces the usual advantages with others of double glass emissive and PVC frames.
  2. Seal the shutter boxes by inserting thin sheets of cork, self-adhesive foam, polyester or any other insulation material inside.
  3. Check doors and windows and install so-called self-adhesive strips, rubber or foam strips.
  4. Make use of efficient heating and cooling equipment. Replaces electric radiators with heat pumps of class A or higher.
  5. If you have central heating you choose to install individual counters or estimators of consumption costs.
  6. Place thermostatic keys on the radiators that help regulate the temperature of each room automatically and independently.
  7. Install zone-programmable digital thermostats to program temperatures according to times and days.
  8. It regulates the heating and the conditioned air to a suitable temperature without lowering of the 19 in winter nor of the 24 in summer.
  9. Get more out of natural light and the energy of the sun. Opt for your house to cool with outside air to cool the house and installed awnings against the central hours of the day.
  10. Purchase appliances of class A or higher, especially in the case of the refrigerator.
  11. It always opts for LED lighting, changing the traditional bulbs and being able to save between 80 and 90% of the electricity consumption in lighting.
  12. Compare the offers of energy companies and hire the best rate. Opt for hourly rates. And adjust the contracted electrical power. You can do it by calculating by summing the powers of all the devices you plan to use simultaneously.
  13. Another option to save energy is to opt for a simple equipment to measure the electrical demand to know your graph of daily consumption.
  14. Fully disconnect any equipment you are not using. Those in stand-by mode also spend energy.
  15. It relies on renewable energies to create more sustainable environments such as solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, geothermal, biomass, wind ...
How to save energy in summerAlthough we think that energy consumption falls in summer, it is not always the case. In some cases it shoots more than in the middle of winter with freezing temperatures. How to reverse this situation? Take note of these energy saving tips for summer.
  1. Replaces the use of air conditioning in summer by ceiling fans or wall fans.
  2. Lower the blinds and run the curtains when there is more sun to prevent the sun from entering directly.
  3. It takes advantage of the natural air and allows the air currents in the house that help to diminish the sensation of embarrassment.
  4. It ventilates the rooms in the morning and at night.
  5. Control the temperature of the air conditioning to save energy that never varies between 24ºC and 26ºC
  6. Take advantage of the natural light during the day, also while working that for that in summer you have up to 14 hours of sun.
  7. Always buy appliances that look for better energy efficiency.
  8. Go by bike or on foot. Yes, forget about the car and move in a sustainable way.
  9. Dress with cooler clothes at home, you will have better feeling and therefore use less air conditioning.
  10. Prepare cold and healthier foods, take care of yourself inside and you will not use light if your kitchen is light.


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